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The Principle and Application of Cable Blowing Machine - TFN Cable Blowing Machine T700 Series Surprises!


The Principle and Application of Cable Blowing Machine - TFN Cable Blowing Machine T700 Series Surprises!


The pipeline of communication trunk optical cable is becoming more and more popular. In the past, cement pipes (which are basically not used due to complex construction and high friction coefficient) or PVC plastic pipes were used for optical cable pipeline. 

Generally, the optical cable is laid by traction method. However, due to the large friction coefficient of the inner wall of the pipeline, the cable blowing distance is short, the speed is slow, and it is easy to cause mechanical tensile damage to the optical fiber. In order to solve the lubrication problem of the inner wall of the pipeline during the laying of optical cables, before the birth of silicone core tubes, people generally used the method of adding lubricant, which means applying liquid lubricant to the inner wall of the pipeline. 

However, due to gravity, the lubricant cannot be evenly distributed on the inner wall of the pipeline, and it will also be taken away by the dry optical cable in the front section. Therefore, the lubrication problem directly affects the length and speed of cable blowing.

At present, silicone core plastic pipes can be mass-produced in China. The silicone core pipe is made of high-density polyethylene, and its characteristics are as follows: silicone gel is extruded into the inner wall of the high-density polyethylene pipe at the same time, forming a solid permanent lubrication layer. 

This lubrication layer has the same physical and mechanical properties as high-density polyethylene pipes, and it does not deform even under heavy pressure. It can make the friction coefficient of the inner wall of the silicone core pipe ≤ 0.15, which is 60%-70% smaller than that of general plastic pipes. 

This greatly reduces the friction coefficient between the optical cable and the pipeline, thereby increasing the length of cable blowing and creating favorable conditions for the promotion of optical cable blowing installation process.

The main characteristics of optical cable blowing installation method are:

1. Compared with other optical cable laying methods, the tension that the optical cable is subjected to during laying is more uniform and much smaller.

2. The laying process is simplified, and the laying speed of optical cables is fast.

3. The length of a single laying is long, and longer optical cables can be used to reduce the number of joints and reduce attenuation.

4. The number of manholes and handholes on the pipeline route can be greatly reduced.

5. Longer manpower is used for laying operations.

Factors affecting cable blowing:

In general, a cable blowing machine can blow optical cables a distance of 1000m-2000m at a time. The factors that mainly affect the length of cable blowing in actual operation are as follows:

1. Influence of terrain and silicone core pipe laying quality. When the route is relatively flat and the silicone core pipe laying is relatively straight, the blowing speed and length are ideal. 

A single curvature radius (left-right or up-down) in the cable blowing section has a slight impact on the blowing speed and length; when the curvature of the silicone core pipe is small, especially when a "W" shape appears, the impact is significant. Therefore, these situations should be avoided as much as possible when choosing a route. 

When laying silicone core pipes, the bottom of the trench should be straight, and continuous left-right and up-down bends should be minimized.

2. The ratio of the outer diameter of the optical cable to the inner diameter of the plastic pipe;

3. The unit length weight and outer skin material of the optical cable (generally, optical cables with outer skin made of medium-density polyethylene have better cable blowing effect);

4. Selection of cable blowing points, in sections with slopes, choose points to blow from top to bottom as much as possible;

5. Performance parameters of air compressors;

6. Ambient temperature and humidity during construction.

In conclusion, the development and application of cable blowing machines have greatly improved the efficiency and quality of optical cable installation, providing a more reliable and efficient solution for communication trunk optical cable pipeline construction.

By Summer


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